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Repositioning Autodesk's Offering Via a Disruption Selling Sales Play

Repositioning an offering is a change process and requires a strong impulse followed by powerful momentum. This is even more crucial when repositioning the offering of an Incumbent with decades of success based on their current positioning.

In Disruption Selling we generate this impulse with prescriptive Sales Plays, a document describing the desired outcome, how to get there, the value proposition, and its target audience.

In the below video Karl Osti describes his experience with using a Disruption Selling Sales Play to reposition Autodesk for selling their entire platform rather than the individual workplace products and how the process helped to equip sales with an integrated set of value propositions for their conversations with decision makers across multiple functions and levels.

Disruption Selling:

[…] So the first question we asked ourselves was: What is, for this specific industry, manufacturing, what is a value proposition that Autodesk has credibility to transport to customers, and how can we elevate this value proposition to the highest possible level, basically to talk to a CEO and an entire board.

So what was your experience when we came in and started to talk about the format of a Sales Play, and we also put a little bit of pressure on people to really stick to that format,  […]?

Karl Osti, Autodesk:

Sort of, the learning was a little tough on one side, because we're doing things in a certain way we are used to. So we had to change  […] the behavior we are used to, applying something new. You forced us also to look into the value proposition of all the different functions, to look at the value chain of the customers, being able to articulate in self-confidence all the different value propositions along the functions, but also more importantly, to start connecting the value proposition of the different functions into a corporate level value proposition  […] to have a C-level conversation […], that is something which we don't do that often.

So again, this is establishing confidence and clarity around that value proposition, and also in the understanding in the account team: What is the sequence of events in the account engagement? How do I prove my value proposition [to] the functions, actually to be able to articulate it with proven numbers […]?

So there's a lot of sales methodology, and also experience you brought to the team,  […] resulting into for us: In the beginning, some of the account teams were skeptical. But […] at the end of the day, what they all came back to was: I understand that I have to articulate the value proposition […].  I have to become more professional.

And I think what's also a big topic for us is  […] that we look at the strategic opportunities, which role we can play strategically to that particular customer. Driving value, not just with individual products, but with the complete ecosystem, and changing the mindset and the perspective from the account team […] into looking at: How do we achieve the big goal?

That was actually astonishing, and you guys at Disruption Selling, you just blew us away of that.

Go here to watch the entire video.

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